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Football Snacks Display Kit

The Campbell's Snacks team's task was to leverage a temporary thematic display that engages and captures retail display space in conjunction with the fall football and Super Bowl timeframe. The brand needed a unique display concept to off-shelf its products and earn additional sales throughout the highly competitive season. Another critical objective included creating the display modularly to give the retailers infinite build options to accommodate floor space constraints.

Additional tasks included; making the display cost-effectively while allowing options that featured the National, Big 10, Pac 12, and Bengals graphic themes in regional segments. The ability to stage a complex brand mix with various product shapes and sizes and two-sided shoppability was equally crucial to the build.


Snack Products


by Chief Container

for Campbell’s Snacks

Are You Ready to Enter?

The Shop! Outstanding Merchandising Achievement (OMA) Awards are the Marketing at Retail Industry's most prestigious, largest and longest-running awards contest. The OMAs honor excellent displays that set the merchandising and design precedents of today and  become the standards of tomorrow. Entries vie for gold, silver and bronze honors in their respective categories and divisions. In addition, all gold winners are eligible for "Display of the Year," which represents the highest recognition the industry can bestow upon an at-retail display.

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