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Cape Cod Beach Chair

Snyder’s Lance / Campbell’s wanted an impactful display for its Cape Cod Kettle Cooked Potato Chips. They needed a display that captured the look and feel of the iconic brand. The activation also needed to be unique enough for grocery retailers to devote secondary placement for this brand on their retail floor. Finally, the team required a simple design that would be easy to set-up at retail.


Snack Products


by Great Northern Instore

for Snyder’s Lance/Campbell’s

Are You Ready to Enter?

The Shop! Outstanding Merchandising Achievement (OMA) Awards are the Marketing at Retail Industry's most prestigious, largest and longest-running awards contest. The OMAs honor excellent displays that set the merchandising and design precedents of today and  become the standards of tomorrow. Entries vie for gold, silver and bronze honors in their respective categories and divisions. In addition, all gold winners are eligible for "Display of the Year," which represents the highest recognition the industry can bestow upon an at-retail display.

Don't miss another year! Sign up now, and we'll let you know when entries for the 2024 OMA competition open up!