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Freixenet New Year’s Eve Celebratory Bathtub

The objective was to create a display that celebrates events and promotes the Cava varietal in place of the traditional champagne or prosecco. By placing the Freixenet bottle in a celebratory and life like ice tub, the piece shows how the brand and Cava can be used for celebrations. As a pole topper and case stacker this piece could be used in multiple occasions. These were placed in Big Box adult beverage stores as well as grocery stores. People dream of a perfect night and a perfect relaxing situation, sitting in a bathtub with a glass of champagne is considered the epitome of life. Freixenet wanted to portray a message to their consumer that a bottle of Cava relaxing in a tub of ice was just as relaxing for this new varietal is taking the industry by storm.


Beverages - Wine & Liquor


by Bish Creative

for Freixenet Mionetto USA

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